Siete appassionati di cinema e serie TV? Volete sapere cosa c'entra “Tenet” di Christopher Nolan con la disciplina dell'Economia Comportamentale?
Allora siete capitati nel posto giusto.
In questo articolo Sunstein, uno dei padri fondatori della Teoria del Nudge, fa un bilancio dei film e delle serie TV che possono essere riletti con la lente della Behavioral Economics. Tanto per fare un esempio, “Mank”, il recentissimo film uscito nel 2020, ci offre gli spunti per riflettere su un effetto che gli studiosi del comportamento chiamano “reattanza”, cioè la tendenza umana a fare esattamente l'opposto di ciò che ci viene imposto dall'alto.
Perché? Leggi l'articolo cliccando al link sottostante e vieni a scoprire chi ha vinto i “Premi Bacon”, chi si è aggiudicato il titolo di “miglior film” ma, soprattutto, quali sono i bias che possiamo intravedere tra una scena e l'altra.
Se ti piace il cinema, proprio non puoi perdertelo…Buona visione!
Trump o Clinton? Sistema 1 o Sistema 2? In questo interessante articolo Cass Sunstein parla di Behavioral Economics in relazione alle prossime elezioni Presidenziali in USA
The first Star Wars movie was
released in 1977, when Americans were still recovering from the Vietnam War.
George Lucas built up a story about the struggle between light and darkness, good
and evil. His decisions were deeply linked with the historical events of the
time, and lots of scholars wrote and write even now about the philosophy behind
the space fantasy saga.
Cass Sunstein, a Harvard law professor and former White House advisor,
author with Richard Thaler of Nudge.
Improving decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness, has recently
published his new book, The world
according to Star Wars, out from 31 May 2016.
Sunstein explored the well-known saga, dealing with contradictions and
different interpretations of the meaning. The result is a careful analysis of
the pervasive themes in Star Wars,
such as the Dark side, rebellion, and redemption, and a description of their
potential relationship with governance decisions about constitutional law,
behavioral economics and political uprisings.
Star wars is explained by Cass Sunstein as a mythological version of our
Age, where freedom of choice brings to the conflict between rationality and
instinct, light and darkness.
It’s all a lot of
simple tricks and nonsense
As in our dimension, also in the galaxy, nobody can undertake to control
every move he takes, every consequence of his choices, without being mistaken.
No rational theory can save us from the countless tricks hidden behind the
illusory balanced face of reality. Bias and wrong beliefs bring us to choose
with the certainty of being aware of all we need to know, but the truth is that
we are story tellers, as George Lucas himself, and we need to find out
coherence, ignoring all that doesn’t sound good. The result is a symmetrical
world, where we grow up, fight, and love. Here we find our dimension, which is
just a tiny part of the mysterious, unknowable, messy universe.
Too many words could get you bored, so I’ll leave you with Solo’s message:
< Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to
the other. I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe
there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field that
controls my destiny. [Kenobi smiles] Anyway, it’s all
a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.>
Solo, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, 1977 by
George Lucas
In che modo i film possono aiutarci a capire come funzioniamo e come prendiamo decisioni? In questo articolo Cass Sunstein “incorona” i vincitori degli Oscar per i migliori film…dal punto di vista di un Economista Comportamentale
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